Whether you work as a doctor or hotel receptionist, or you’re just the passionate thumbs-up type of guy, your grooming routine should extend past your hair and face to complete head-to-toe maintenance (arms included). Some jobs simply require you to take good care of your nails. But even if not, do yourself and mankind a little favor, because the state of your hands says a thing or two about how you care for the rest of your body. So the more hands you shake or the more you expose your fingers to others, the more crucial it is that your counterpart doesn’t see any black rims under your nails or get scratched by nails that resemble daggers or saw blades. You wouldn’t want that either, would you? And simple nail clippers are not too hard to operate, seriously.
Apart from lifeguards on duty and professional slackliners, there are not many professions in the world which need to be done barefoot. But that does not mean you should leave your toenails unkempt. In fact, the less air and light your feet receive, the more you should do to prevent them from turning into hobbit feet. Your feet might not grow themselves a sixth toe each, but the warm and moist climate in some shoes can be a real hotbed for possible fungus and other infections in your nails or feet once they have penetrated your skin through tiny injuries. Sounds unpleasant, right? It is.