10 ways to recharge


Simple life-changing steps to help you feel better and look awesome


Not only do most of us fail to drink enough water (around 2 - 2.5 litres a day) but many of us rely on diuretics like coffee and alcohol that only increase dehydration. Without enough water, the body struggles to eliminate waste products and carry nutrients to cells, which can leave the skin looking ashen and old. Rather than drink when you feel thirsty (which is the body's way of telling you it's already dehydrated), fill a large bottle of water first thing in the morning and place it on your desk - this constant visual reminder will make you drink more throughout the day.


Improving the quality of your sleep doesn't necessarily mean sleeping for longer. In fact, sleeping in on the weekends will throw your natural rhythm out of sync, making it harder for you to revert to a normal pattern in the following days. Six hours' shuteye is generally considered the minimum for optimal functioning during waking hours but it's important that they're six truly restorative hours.

Avoid nightcaps or midnight snacking, as raising your blood sugar level before bedtime will have a negative effect on the quality of your sleep. A quick drink may help you 'nod off' but it will prevent you from going into a deep sleep. And without REM sleep - the truly restorative kind - you'll look and feel less refreshed in the morning.


Establishing a consistent routine before bedtime will help prepare your body for a good night of restorative sleep. After a week or two, the body will automatically go into'shut down' mode when it realises that your evening bath, yoga session or a chapter from your favourite book is a pre-bedtime activity. A better night's sleep means you'll feel more revitalised in the morning.


Juggling a family and a job often means breakfast is the first meal to go. And yet it's the most important meal of the day - just like your mum said. Skipping brekkie will lower your metabolism, making it more difficult for your body to burn sugar and provide you with adequate energy throughout the day.


In spite of all the fear mongering about the evils of UV exposure, it's still important to get at least ten minutes of sunshine a day. The body needs Vitamin D to survive and the best way to get it is by going outdoors where natural light will boost your mood and energy levels. Leave your desk at lunchtime and remember to wear a good sunscreen!


Exercise isn't just good for you physique, regular workouts - or even just a brisk 20 minute walk every day - can have a remarkable impact on your mood, immune system and general wellbeing. And contrary to popular belief, exercise will give you more energy rather than wear you out. Physical activity supplies oxygen to every cell in your body, increasing energy levels and leaving you feeling (and looking!) completely revitalised.


You wouldn't put the wrong kind of petrol in a Formula One car, so don't feed your body incorrectly either. In order to avoid that mid-afternoon energy slump, look closely at your diet and, more specifically, at the kinds of carbohydrates you consume throughout the day. Chances are, it's all those empty carbs that are taking a bite out of your energy. Cut out simple carbohydrates like white bread, sodas or baked goods and replace them with complex carbs and whole grains like brown rice, rye or quinoa for a more steady energy supply.


This may sound stupid but remember to breathe. Properly. Most of us spend our time taking short, shallow breaths, which make it harder for oxygen to transport itself around the body. In order to stay alert and calm, remember to breathe down into your abdomen and exhale completely, pushing your belly button back into your spine.


If you're reading this late at night, then it's time to look at the impact of blue light on your energy levels. Like caffeine, blue light is a stimulant that will keep you awake and spoil a good night's restorative sleep. Cut back on your tech addictions when you get home in the evening. Switching off the telly, the mobile and the laptop after a certain hour will have a remarkable effect on your stress levels, allowing you to relax and recuperate.


The more organised your work and living spaces are, the less stressed - and, crucially, tired - you'll feel. Cluttered environments are usually indicative of a 'plate-spinning', an approach which is not always productive or time-efficient. Clean up your space, and prioritise your workloads instead of burning yourself out while trying to juggle a million things at once.